Sunday, September 28, 2008
"What About Now" by Daughtry (music video)
If you haven't noticed, there's a new 'hype' in the entertainment world these days. Celebrities everywhere are taking pride in their involvement with charities and organizations for fairly worthy causes. For instance, "Heroes" star Hayden Panettiere takes on saving the dolphins. And who could forget Angelina Jolie, who does charity for countries like Afghanistan and Africa? These 'stellar' efforts are making waves, since, as we all know, the entertainment industry almost always creates the talk of the town. Hopefully, those efforts are truly well-intentioned (and not just for the sake of making celebrities look good to the world), and above all, sincere.
Let's zero in on another example -- this time, in the music scene. The international alternative band Daughtry (which had a concert in Manila last July) recently released a music video for their song "What About Now". The song itself contains lyrics of hope and inspiration for listeners to do something for the world, but let's leave that for now; the subject under my microscope is the music video.
At first, what I saw in the video were poor naked children walking around, people crying, and light bulbs flashing. I thought, Okay, so what else is new? So many similar videos have been made, all aiming to inspire people to stand up, do something, et cetera. Frankly, I find that the whole inspire stint is getting jaded from too much use. What about real, actual action? What about suggestions for concrete steps?
But as I continued watching Daughtry's video, I noticed clips and names of actual organizations and individuals who help the world in different aspects, like reducing poverty, improving people's health, and educating children. The addition of those video clips and the mention of those names are, for me, what make the music video better than the other 'developmental' videos I've seen. It inspires at first, then actually suggests what we could do and where we could go to help. And because Daughtry is an international hit, the video is sure to reach audiences around the globe, especially the youth. Hopefully, the message will get across, too.
If you want to watch the music video, click here.
Now, I'm just wondering: are there any similar efforts from our own OPM artists? If there are, I certainly haven't heard of them. In a nation like ours, where celebrated musicians and marginalized people thrive together, there is an obvious need for some charitable action. Unfortunately, so far, I've heard of none making it to our local music channel countdowns. So, hey there Spongecola, Sandwich, Imago, Hale, and Bamboo! We Pinoys love listening to your music, but we'd love it more if you actually used it to help cure the ailments of our country.
photo from
NEDA's stride towards reducing child mortality
As Mr. Richardson Cua, Senior Economic and Development Specialist from the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) of Region X puts it into words. “Statistics on deaths for child mortality is hard to determine since neighborhoods located in far flung areas have the tendency not to report instances of fatality because transportation.”
NEDA, as mandated by the Philippine Constitution, is the country’s independent economic development and planning agency headed by the President as the chairman of the board.
NEDA, the social and economic coordinating body of the Philippines, has been divided into smaller tangible sectors to address the different concerns of local places throughout the country.
In the province of Misamis Oriental, Mrs. Marlene T. Lamparero, Health Officer II from the Provincial Health Office together with her crew and other local health officials has determined nine leading causes of child fatalities for children less than five years of age, namely: pneumonia, septicemia, prematurity, diarrheal diseases, accidents, anemia and kidney problems, congenital anomalies and heart diseases.
Programs and projects
Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) is an intensified door-to-door immunization campaign done in areas with low percentage of Fully Immunized Children (FIC). Through the collaborations of the Department of Health (DOH) with the local health centers and clinics, it has been proven and tested that the expanded program for immunization lowers the risk of infant death.
Nutrition program geared towards the reduction of malnutrition for 0-5 year old children has been made to ensure that babies born every year were well-nourished. Improving maternal health was also highlighted. It is known that healthy mothers give birth to healthy babies. Accordingly these expectant mothers were educated with the right choice of food.
Challenges: a call for action
Strengthening of Local Health Systems is emphasized through proper trainings of local health officials. The success of this program would lie in the interplay of the Local Government Unit (LGU) and the private sector.
Addressing the call towards achieving the fourth MDG goal which is to reduce child mortality for children less than five years of age is a joint effort. People must not only rely on what the government can do for them. Each one must also think how he/she can contribute to the attainment of the goals on or before 2015.
The challenge here is whether people will respond to this call for action.
As what Ms. Monavic M. Budiongan from the Department of Social Welfare (DSWD) says, “In an institution like ours our greatest concern here lies in the goodwill of the children under our care and protection. We adopt kids who were abandoned or those that were victims of frail reality. To avoid situations wherein child mortality is involved, we see to it that the kids we are about to take in are healthy and strong. We make sure that those people who turn them over to us give a notified record of the child’s previous medical history. Gladly, child mortality is a rare case here in Cagayan de Oro City or maybe in Region X as well.”
kim damlani
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Gossip: makes the world go round
I am not just talking here about the sensational pop icon Britney Spears but I am telling you who she is for me.
Let me start with this: I have started to like Britney when I was still in Grade 4 the first time I heard about the song “Baby…One More Time!” At that time, she was still starting yet she instantaneously became famous and her songs then followed continuously.
I consider my self a Britney addict, even after she had wedding that only lasted for hours, I still have accepted her. I did not care and I won’t care about it because I know what the real story behind it is. Well, we are not close, and she does not even know me but I am defending her from many malicious responses.
Who really is Britney Jean Spears?
Basically, she is the 8th top selling artist in the music industry in the whole world. She can sing, she can act and dance gracefully, very talented, indeed.
But as a person, she is a person longing for freedom and privacy. Since her childhood days, she was already in the limelight, entertaining a lot of people in the US.
Life for her was so dull yet glamorous. Her life was full of colors yet dark.
You may think that this entry is so nonsense. However, I want to correct the notion about my idol.
There are many things that people do not know about her.
How does/did Britney live?
Mainly, she works for the people. She lives for the people. Many would often find this life so ideal, but for her it is not. People judge her from the mistakes that she had done.
Britney had done so much, a lot more than the mistakes she made. Many might not know the reason why she took and was taking drugs, even the fact why she and Kevin have separated. But even before the answer of the issue was produced, people were already making their own “credible” versions of the issue.
Yes, she got dumped and cried for mercy. She got stinky but still tried to get up despite of the criticisms she's receiving from the people, including her former fans. No matter who that person may be: a public figure, a neighbor or a relative, we must think of the welfare of everyone.
This is the disease that people from every continent cannot get rid of. They cannot go on with their life if they cannot find mistakes and make a word against someone else.
We struggle so much for development, but how will we be able to do that if we cannot even develop ourselves?
Many might not know the reason why she took and was taking drugs, even the fact why she and Kevin have separated. But even before the answer of the issue was produced, people were already making their own “credible” versions of the issue.
Why do this happen?
It is because of the people’s guilty conscience. We hand over our guilty conscience to a certain object to lessen it (guilty conscience).
Why are there so many people like this? Why can’t people live without whooping on to other’s lives? And why can’t people let go of this so called “guilty conscience”?
Life is a series of happy and sad stories. Each story has a reason, a valuable answer and consequences.
We can shout, roar and cry. That’s enough. But never put on your anger to anybody and never ever make issues that do not consist of liable reasons. Mistakes are natural, it do happen but we can manage to do it or not. That’s why there are terms such as choices and options.
Photo Sources:
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"I wanna be famous.."
by Pussycat Dolls
Who never wanted to be famous?
I bet everybody dreamt to be one, even those who are stabilized.
But the question is why?
I want to convey the idea that is on my mind regarding this issue that elapses and sways without further notice.
It elaborates figures and enlarges issues that were simply nothing but infinitesimal bangles. I, myself, want to be famous. I want to be known all throughout the city and the nation. I want to build my own dream house, buy my dream car, and buy a farm. I want to have my own commercial on national television and produce my own movie.
Living with all that you want: money, fans, popularity, cars, gems, etc.
What’s next after that?
I agree to the saying: “Life is too short to waste.”
But, isn’t this line suitable to using time gently with purpose and not for an all-out-leisure?
The significance of dreams to our life is not beyond reason. Every little thing we do has a purpose, a purpose to promote happiness, unity and love.
Popularity is a blessing, a gift, an opportunity. But why do some people use it as a price; A price for a thing that used to be free?
In simple terms, dreaming is as simple as having your goal. Having a goal for you to urge and move forward.
The consequences of a wish, dream and aim are:
- You might have wished it to happen now but eventually when it happened, it becomes a problem.
- You might have wished for it but when it happened, it already is no longer needed or wanted.
- And lastly, it requires something in return.
**You might have not seen these consequences from any sources because these are my own ideas. I based it from my own experience.
Many might have heard and watched the audio and video of this song for it is so popular world wide but only few have been struck by the lyrics.
At first, I thought of this song as another typical “top of the chart HIT”, but it is not just that. It is too far from my imagination because this song reminded me of my dreams. This song has made me realize on refraining from dreaming too high. And it made me think twice to hang on to those dreams that I want for my self; instead, I thought of hanging on to something that will make me become someone whom I haven’t known yet but will inspire not just “many” but “everyone”.
Photo Source:
Saturday, September 20, 2008
is this for real?
Have you heard about the famous song that’s blowing of teenager’s mind these days?
If you haven’t, try listening to his song…let’s hear out what you feel.
i kissed a girl by katy perry
This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter,
You're my experimental game
Just human nature,
It's not what,
Good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey
Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent
This song rocks in the melody, but sucks in the lyrics.
Yet why are we teens going nuts over it? Is this some kind of moral degradation?
i have been reading these very disturbing comments in youtube, and i was shocked how my fellow teens rate this song.
- You can't be a lesbian one minute and not the next! Bisexual at least!
- "cheapest music ever. either you are straightforward and shocking or you don't do it. this its just mickey mouse stuff for teenagers. man this is sad"
- "ok Katy Perry if you kissed a girl why doesn't it show in the video? that is such a stupid song i kissed a girl your not a lesbian, so why r u making such stupid song ???but on the other side i know why that song got famous because it sticks in your head n u cant stop singing! LOL its catchy"
My Verdict:
Yah, the song is really catchy. But it’s not actually cool to sing it out loud in the open, as if your way to proud with what you’re singing.
Think about it? Is the lyrics even worth memorizing? I think NO.
The song for me, reflects about the present day issue that's plaguing us teens. It's basically about the identity crisis a teenager is facing. It’s very evident to have those lesbians, gays, or bisexuals out in the open. I mean there’s nothing wrong with that preference, although in the eyes of God it’s somewhat immoral. But this is not the issue.
What I’m trying to pinpoint here, is that we should not be proud of these things. I mean, so what if Katy Perry’s saying that she liked kissing a girl? Isn't it so unethical to kiss a fellow woman just because you’re curious and experimental? Is that even considered cool?
Going back to what gypsybabyphat212 commented in youtube. I think she's right that the song only got famous because the song continues to stick in tour head that you just can't stop from singing.
Bottom-line here is that, we should not always accept what media is feeding us. We should first filter and rectify this products before sinking unto them. After all we are the victims of what we hear and receive. We should be the one demanding media of our wants and not media giving us these so called superficial needs. And so I’m raising this concern.
Is this song really worth hearing? Think again.
Philippine Organic Agriculture Information Network (web)
This 'sub-site' is very useful, especially to those doing research or wanting to learn more about organic farming in our country. It has good features like Research and Development, Media Resources, and Directory. Links to other helpful and reliable websites, mostly official ones, are also gathered in Phil-Organic, reducing the hassles of looking for information on the internet.
Another good thing about Phil-Organic is that it situates organic farming in the Philippine context. There are a number of other reliable websites dedicated to organic farming, but a lot of them are based in other countries. In Phil-Organic, one can be sure that the information supplied are applicable to our land.
However, Phil-Organic is not updated often. It would be so much better if PCARRD feeds this section with up-to-date information every now and then.
Also, websites can provide information only to those who actually have internet access. Since a huge part of the target audience of Phil-Organic are farmers who may not be able to access the net, this site may not serve its purpose fully. Although it may be already helpful to the working sector and researchers, PCARRD should also consider launching more accessible versions of Phil-Organic, like books and newsletters. This way, the farmers and other people without internet access can still benefit from it.
But lapses aside, I find Phil-Organic a very good media construction. I highly recommend it to everyone who needs to know more about Philippine Organic Farming, especially to student-researchers.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
What I love so much about Paolo Coelho?
It’s not his fashion but his passion: Passion in inspiring people’s lives to move forward and keep dreaming.
Life is a series of runways, a mile of endless journey and love to treasure.
Next book that I would like to indulge with is the Alchemist.
I bet a lot have read already this book, to think that Paolo had books already sold out after this book, but the book just really cannot miss someone’s mind with just a snap. It is just so effective because everybody can relate to every single word that was written in the book.
And so, the book is metaphor, a fable. Yes, actually. It has this main character named Santiago who lives in a countrified life. Even though he is a rural guy, he still has this dream, a dream for more than what he has already and a dream that led him from his homeland in Spain to Egypt, to search for treasures buried in the pyramids.
Through his journey, he met a Gypsy woman, the king (because that’s what he considers himself to be), and an alchemist. The alchemist is the one who taught him and showed him the way to his mission.
During his mission, he (Santiago) himself does not know on whether he could surpass the obstacles along the way or he could find and obtain the treasures that he had set to conquer.
All in all, this book tackles about dreams; dreams that have limits; dreams that enable a person to realize that he or she must listen to both his/her mind and heart.
Photo Source:**http%3A//
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The After Life by Daniel Ehrenhaft
Kyle: I guess not. But i wish I did.
Liz: I wish I did too. and maybe I'll find out.
Plot Summary:
Soon after Will meets his half-brother and sister for the first time, their rich father -- who Will barely knew -- dies. He leaves the twins mega-money, but offers Will a deal: He'll get two million if he drives an old Volvo from Florida to New York. Will doesn't have a license, so the twins drive, and they get to know one another along the way -- especially how hurt each of them really is.
My Verdict
Parents need to know that this is a very mature book featuring three extremely messed-up teens. The characters fight and swear, and Will especially is nearly always drunk or on drugs (and sometimes both). Also, Liz and Will -- who believe they are half-brother and sister -- develop a romantic relationship, and even kiss.
Sounds immoral if the story really happened in reality.
The story is great, but kind'a mind polluting for the teens.
So, I would only recommend that you only read this book, only if your raised with strong parental guidance. I also would also suggest that it is best to always treat this book as a product of Daniel Ehrenhafts figment of imagination and not as something that's happening in the real world.
Based on the premises I could somehow infer that not all books are educational. There are also some who simply do story-telling. Bottom line here is that, as parents we should be hands on with our children. Get into their world, and check-out what's on it that's hooking them up, after all, it would pay a lot.
The key here is Guidance and Supervision!
As to this book, mmmppp... I would not recommend it. You can still read it though, just don't sink in. : )
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Guitar Highway Rose by Brigid Lowry
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"Macarthur" by Bob Ong
Bob Ong once again gives us an entertaining wake-up call in the dark tale "Macarthur".
Written in 'Taglish' (Tagalog + English, a trademark of the author), Macarthur is a fictional story of four boys living in the urban outskirts. The story follows their troubled, angsty ways, while exploring their soft and broken souls. It eventually arrives at a long climax as one by one, the boys are faced with the consequences of their actions.
Though it does make me smile from time to time, Macarthur lacks the usual light humor I've come to expect from Bob Ong. Over-all, it contains the heavy reality of poverty in the Philippines and everything that comes with it (such as crimes, lack of education, drug abuse, and health problems). The book's main characters (the four boys) subtly appealed to me; in spite of their rough personalities, they held innocence, kindness, and dreams in their hearts. The fact that they were tangled in the web of society made them all the more unforgettable.
This book is definitely an eye-opener, a closer look at the almost-cliche issues of today's society. It takes us not to the facts, not to the statistics of how many people are hungry or how many teenagers are out of school, but immerses us into the lives of those very people. Macarthur, though a work of fiction, is brutally realistic and filled to the brim with subtle emotional appeal that it's guaranteed to stir its readers.
I recommend this book to people 13 years old and above, because of the considerable amount of profanity and disturbing images it creates (though in my opinion, those make the book more realistic). Also, I suggest its readers to ponder on the questions that the characters pose in the story:
> Were they victims of their own mishaps, or were they let down by the harshness of the situations they were in?
> Were they the true problems of society, or was their society the root of their problems?
> How is our own society similar to the one described in the book?
Read it... and be disturbed.
[photo from]
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho
What makes this book very interesting and effectual is that it tackles mainly about the purpose of a person, his/her purpose and his/her way of dealing with death.
Death. Why death?
Life itself compensates with death. People are living with life and so does with death. All of us know right from the very start and right from the very moment when we had our understanding about the natural phenomenon that we were born and we will soon be dead.
Nevertheless, there are still many people from every corner of the earth who cannot accept this “five-letter-words”.
“When will these people be able to comprehend that nobody lives forever?”
Nobody is immortal aside from God. And nobody is allowed to assume that way.
“An awareness of death encourages us to live more intensely.” –Paolo Coelho, Veronika Decides to Die
Veronika is not one of this populace. She acknowledged death and even reached out for it. She existed yet certainly was not living. She found it hard to live with life’s necessities.
She was thinking and acting as though “life should not have been given to her.” Certainly, she was not really pleased with her life.
“The will was the main target of Bitterness (or Vitriol, as Dr. Igor preferred to call it). The people attacked by this malaise began to lose all desire, and within a few years, they became unable to leave their world, where they had spent enormous reserves of energy constructing high walls in order to make reality what they wanted it to be.” -Veronika
“A miracle happened: another day of life.”-Veronika Decides to Die
But as moment went on, with every bit and bit of the story, she realized when she was dying how important life is. She regretted overdosing herself with sleeping pills, which made her ill, the moment she had her wish: to die.
Thus, I can say that life is so precious. Life is never a thing that should be taken for granted but it should be conserved and not be used for self-interest. We all have our goals and purpose. God never created anyone of us without a purpose and a subject to live by. We are living and existing at the same time. Both go hand in hand. And with every moment of our life lies a deep meaning and a question: Why am I here?
A Hilarious Tour de Resume
Book Review:
Words to live by:
"We all fit in because non of us belongs any where. And, boy, what you can learn; dirty words in every language and the fact that nobody is just a typist, just a dishwasher, just a cook, just a porter, just a prostitute. that everyone has a story. Everyone has at least one story that will stop your your heart. "
What makes this story so touching is the fact that it presents the truth that money is hard to earn. Blown Sideways through Life is a revelation. An eye-opener, that teaches how hard it is to survive in the world of employment and financial stability. It deals on Claudia’s (the stories lead character) journey in finding herself, her happiness and fighting for survival, day by day in the world of business and service.
It is a tour de resume or the hunting for the appropriate job. Which involves, coping up with strict and mean bosses that go with the hiring package. Also, adjusting to people called your mean co-workers.
It is all about learning to love yourself, amidst all the criticism you see in the mirror.
Talking to people, you worked for in your sexiest voice and dealing with your costumers always best foot forward.
Chatting to people who work for you, in the same manner you talk to people you work for.
In other words:" it’s a one-size fits all propositions.”
The book would help the reader’s realize the:
v Value of money
v Respect for self and recognition of self-worth.
v A realization, that everything in life has a corresponding price to pay.
You might be throwing money at the counter, nagging at the waiter about your delayed coffee or doughnut order.
YUP! You have the rights and the guts to complain, and in business terms they put it as “the costumer is always right.” However, before you start turning hysterical over your delayed doughnut or coffee order. Please, for godsake calm down and think of things this way.
The waiter your about to nag probably works at this doughnut station underpaid, suffering from the oppressive commands of his/her menial boss. I am not saying all bosses are mean, what I am trying to imply here though, is for you to be a little considerate as a costumer.
Just think of it this way.
With just one nag and complain to the manager, she might instantly be fired out from her job. Thus, you ruined not only her career or job as waiter but you also ruining the hopes and dreams of her family waiting for her support.
Thus, I say. Complain only when the times really, really require it!
After all, respect from us costumers is a thing their salary cannot even compensate.
"ABNKKBSNPLAKo?!" by Bob Ong
In this book by Bob Ong, those memories are cleverly captured with "mga kwentong chalk" ('chalk stories'). They are basically the author's own school experiences from first grade mishaps to 'college-hopping', but we can undoubtedly relate with them.
Bob Ong's story-telling is really good, as far as this book shows. He writes in 'TagLish' (a combination of Tagalog and English), and in a conversational way, making this piece easy to read for the average Pinoy. What's more, this work is filled with amazing wit, with hints of poignant sentiments. But most significant about this book is that it offers subtle reflections that could leave a large impact on the readers. The author uses his experiences in school as grounds and examples for the lessons he learned in life. He presents his reflections in a witty -- even funny -- way that readers will be charmed and convinced rather than bored.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who reads. I think Filipinos need to read more books like this. For me, it is one of the contemporary classics in the world of Filipino books, because the lessons it ingeniously tells about school and life are timeless. Almost without my knowledge, it challenged my perceptions and even made me more proactive with the way I go through life. I hope this book could positively change more of us soon. =)