by Pussycat Dolls
Who never wanted to be famous?
I bet everybody dreamt to be one, even those who are stabilized.
But the question is why?
I want to convey the idea that is on my mind regarding this issue that elapses and sways without further notice.
It elaborates figures and enlarges issues that were simply nothing but infinitesimal bangles. I, myself, want to be famous. I want to be known all throughout the city and the nation. I want to build my own dream house, buy my dream car, and buy a farm. I want to have my own commercial on national television and produce my own movie.
Living with all that you want: money, fans, popularity, cars, gems, etc.
What’s next after that?
I agree to the saying: “Life is too short to waste.”
But, isn’t this line suitable to using time gently with purpose and not for an all-out-leisure?
The significance of dreams to our life is not beyond reason. Every little thing we do has a purpose, a purpose to promote happiness, unity and love.
Popularity is a blessing, a gift, an opportunity. But why do some people use it as a price; A price for a thing that used to be free?
In simple terms, dreaming is as simple as having your goal. Having a goal for you to urge and move forward.
The consequences of a wish, dream and aim are:
- You might have wished it to happen now but eventually when it happened, it becomes a problem.
- You might have wished for it but when it happened, it already is no longer needed or wanted.
- And lastly, it requires something in return.
**You might have not seen these consequences from any sources because these are my own ideas. I based it from my own experience.
Many might have heard and watched the audio and video of this song for it is so popular world wide but only few have been struck by the lyrics.
At first, I thought of this song as another typical “top of the chart HIT”, but it is not just that. It is too far from my imagination because this song reminded me of my dreams. This song has made me realize on refraining from dreaming too high. And it made me think twice to hang on to those dreams that I want for my self; instead, I thought of hanging on to something that will make me become someone whom I haven’t known yet but will inspire not just “many” but “everyone”.
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