Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

What I love so much about Paolo Coelho?

It’s not his fashion but his passion: Passion in inspiring people’s lives to move forward and keep dreaming.

Life is a series of runways, a mile of endless journey and love to treasure.

Next book that I would like to indulge with is the Alchemist.
I bet a lot have read already this book, to think that Paolo had books already sold out after this book, but the book just really cannot miss someone’s mind with just a snap. It is just so effective because everybody can relate to every single word that was written in the book.

And so, the book is metaphor, a fable. Yes, actually. It has this main character named Santiago who lives in a countrified life. Even though he is a rural guy, he still has this dream, a dream for more than what he has already and a dream that led him from his homeland in Spain to Egypt, to search for treasures buried in the pyramids.

Through his journey, he met a Gypsy woman, the king (because that’s what he considers himself to be), and an alchemist. The alchemist is the one who taught him and showed him the way to his mission.

During his mission, he (Santiago) himself does not know on whether he could surpass the obstacles along the way or he could find and obtain the treasures that he had set to conquer.
All in all, this book tackles about dreams; dreams that have limits; dreams that enable a person to realize that he or she must listen to both his/her mind and heart.

Photo Source: http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0S020pxFdNIiNMA1mmjzbkF/SIG=14c3v2nb9/EXP=1221879537/**http%3A//www.sulit.com.ph/index.php/view%2Bclassifieds/id/442645/The%2BAlchemist%2Bby%2BPaulo%2BCoelho%2B2nd%2BHand%2BBook

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